Wednesday, April 29, 2009

So we never got to do an Easter Egg hunt, but I had kept some eggs with candy in them from my mom for the boys and the weather was really good yesterday, so we decided to finally do it! I know, I'm a lame mom, right. Anyway, my mom came over so I went out and hid the eggs (as in just tossed them in random spots in the grass, cuz Jax is 1 and Mason can't even see things right in front of his face- he's not blind, he's just a typical male) Anyway the boys had lots of fun and Jax even managed to steal an egg out of Mason's bucket when he wasn't looking and put it in his own. It was quite funny. We are hopefully going to get our yard completely done within the next few weeks, if this stupid weather will finally let us. I'm so excited to finally get a yard and for summer!!

1 comment:

Bridgett said...

hey where are my pic's of my boys? I haven't seen them in forever!! I need a post:)





Jax 9 mo

Jax 9 mo